Our Mission | Elapultimk Elmi’knik
First Nations communities where children are safe, proud of their First Nations culture, families are strong and communities are strengthened and supported.
L’nue’kati’l ta’n mu nesana’nuk wjit mijua’ji’jk, mekite’tmi’tij teli-L’nu-ulti’tij, melknaql wkjiksu’l aqq melkiknewa’tumkl and apoqntmumkl wutann.
Our Vision | Ta’n Ketu’ Tl-lukutiek
We see ourselves leading with excellence and working in partnership to:
- Prevent situations that lead to child abuse and neglect by embracing, strengthening and supporting families, and communities;
- Protect children and youth from abuse and neglect;
- Provide safe and nurturing care for children and youth in a manner that is culturally appropriate and reflecting the history and traditions of First Nations people;
- Advocate meeting the needs of children, youth, families and communities
Menaqaj nikana’luenen aqq maw-lukutinen:
- Apoqntmnen aqq mlkiknewa’tunen wkjiksu’l aqq wutann kulaman ma’ ewlo’tasulti’k aqq penoqo’tasulti’k mijua’ji’jk;
- Ikalanen mijua’ji’jk aqq nutqo’ltijik mu ewlo’tasultinew aqq mu penoqo’tasultinew;
- Menaqaj tli-ankweyuksinew mijua’ji’jk aqq nutqo’ltijik ta’n kina’muaten L’nuey aqq nespi-kina’muaten telo’ltimk aqq ta’n wetapeksimk;
- Mlkuktmnew wli-apoqntmnew ta’n tel nuta’tij mijua’ji’jk, nutqo’ltijik, wkjiksu’l aqq wutann.
Our Values | Kepmite’taqnn
In everything that we do, from managing our staff to providing services, we believe in:
- Valuing the needs of children and youth first;
- The seven sacred teachings – courage, humility, honesty, love, respect, truth and wisdom;
- First Nations peoples, as the original peoples of this country and as self-determining peoples, have treaty, constitutional and human rights that must be recognized and respected;
- There must be a more equitable and inclusive society created by closing the gaps in social, health, and economic outcomes between First Nations and non-First Nations Canadians;
- The perspectives and understandings of Aboriginal Elders as Traditional Knowledge Keepers of the ethics, concepts and practices of developing healthy children, youth and families is vital to stronger families and communities;
- Supporting Aboriginal peoples’ cultural revitalization and integrating indigenous knowledge systems, oral history, laws, protocols and connections into our programs and services are essential.
- Affirming and valuing our staff, care providers, clients and volunteers;
- Demonstrating excellence, leadership, teamwork and innovation.
- Tmk maliaptmumk ta’n tel-nuta’tij mijua’ji’jk aqq nutqo’ltijik;
- L’uiknek kepme’kl kina’masuti’l – melkita’suaqn, wenqwajite’taqn, ketlewo’qn, ksalsuti, kepmite’taqn, koqqwaja’taqn, aqq nsituo’qn;
- L’nu’k wetapeksultijik ula kmitkinu aqq alsumsultijik, ala’tu’titl ankukamkewe’l, kaplno’le’l aqq mawio’mie’l koqqwaja’taqnn ta’n amujpa keknuite’tasikl aqq kepmite’tasikl.
- Amujpa etek mawikwamk ta’n msit wen wiaqpit aqq weltesink aqq wetnu’kwalsimk newte’ tlo’tasinew L’nu’k, telo’ltimk, teli-mpisimk aqq teli-pkwatekemk nkutey pilue’k wenik Kanata;
- Ta’n tel-nenmi’tij aqq teli-nsitmi’tij kisiku’k L’nu’ey kjijitaqn wjit tetpaqa’taqnn, ankita’suaqnn aqq tel-maliamuj pemikutijik tajiko’ltijik mijua’ji’jk, nutqoltijik aqq wkjiksu’l, keknue’k wla kulaman aji-mlknatal wkjiksu’l aqq wutann;
- Apoqnmujik L’nu’k teli-apaja’tu’tij telo’ltimkl aqq wiaqa’tumk L’nuey kjijitaqn, aknutmaqn, tplutaqnn, telo’ltimk aqq toqo’ltimk msit koqoey ta’n elukwatmek;
- Keknuite’tmkitjik aqq mekite’tmkitjik elukowuksiekik, nuji-anko’taqitijik, elukowkitjik aqq nuji-apoqnmua’tijik;
- Ta’n tel-lukutiek ekinua’tekek wel-lukutimk, nikana’luemk, maw-lukutimk aqq natawita’simk.
Questions for Mi’kmaw Family & Children’s Services?
MFCS offers programs and services to help children, youth, and families lead healthy lives. If you feel we can help you, your family, or someone you care about, please contact us to discuss what we can do together.