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Violence is a societal problem. Family violence is particularly difficult because it occurs among family members who should love, trust and protect each other. When family violence occurs in First Nations homes, Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia (MFCS) can help.

Where can individuals go if they experience violence at home?

More than 30 years ago, as a result of high rates of violence in First Nations homes, two healing centres were opened, one in Waycobah and one in Millbrook. The purpose of the healing centres is to help people maintain a healthy and violence-free lifestyle. The centres are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Healing centre programs are offered by experienced counselors who know the Mi’kmaw language, values and lifestyle. The healing centres provide holistic programming to ensure that all members of the family or community can be involved and benefit from available programs and treatment. The services provided are dependent on the availability of staff and community interest.

What can a healing centre offer individuals and their family?

The Healing Centers also provides Mi’kmaw Family Healing Programs (MFHP) operating under the umbrella of Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of N.S. The Mi'kmaw Family Healing Program oversees the operation of the Mi’kmaw Family Healing Centres (Transition Houses) located in Millbrook First Nation and the We’koqma’q First Nation. The main purpose of the Centres are to provide a place of safety for women and children and deliver culturally relevant programs to men, women and children who experience violence in all of its forms.

  • ensure protection, safety, shelter and basic life necessities to women and/or children, and outreach services to men
  • provide a 24-hour crisis support telephone line
  • provide support and information to enable people to develop and maintain a peaceful and healthful lifestyle
  • offer individual and group counselling and support services (in house and off reserve)
  • offer referral and follow-up services to other social service programs
  • provide community education in family and public violence intervention, treatment and prevention.

For Crisis call 1-800-565-4741

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