The Greatest Gift: Love
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
The greatest gift a foster parent could give a child in care is simply love. Mi’kmaw Family and Children Services of Nova Scotia (MFCSNS) is honored to celebrate and express our genuine gratitude to Gerald Robert and Mabel Francis.

Love Fills the Void
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
In this special feature story from Mi’kmaw Family and Children Services of Nova Scotia (MFCSNS) we are honored to celebrate and give special thanks to three generations of foster families. They are the Melanson and the Hallett family who have been fostering Mi’kmaq children for over 14 years in the valley area of Nova Scotia.

Mi’kmaw Social Services 35 Year Journey
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
In researching the creation story of Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia journey to what it is today, it is simply astonishing. With the social and economic conditions becoming direr in the mid-1970s the Mi’kmaq communities of Nova Scotia were reaching a point of crisis.

Family Matters
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
Like every celebrity icon, they usually go by one name, like Madonna or Cher. Well Eskasoni has one such icon and she goes by the name of Sugar. Madeline “Sugar” Poulette is a well-known Mi’kmaq elder from Eskasoni. Sugar is multi-talented in the performing arts, the art of storytelling, sharing her Mi’kmaq knowledge and especially teaching the traditional dice game of waltes. She is loved by so many because of her youthful persona and her playful sense of humor.

Gloria Gould Honored by Federation of Foster Families
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
Federation of Foster Families of Nova Scotia held their Annual General Assembly on May 26-28, 2023 at Glengarry Hotel in Truro. Foster families from eastern Nova Scotia including foster families from Mi’kmaw Family and Children Services of Nova Scotia (MFCSNS) attended the two-day workshops.

Foster Parents Nigel and Amanda Honored
By George Paul
MFCSNS Communications Officer
Amanda and Nigel, and we must not forget their children, have been a god send for Mi’kmaw Family’s foster care team. In July 2007 Amanda & Nigel’s home was opened under Kinship care and in December of 2020 they became a foster home. Amanda and Nigel have provided numerous respite services and accepted many placements over the last 17 years.
Do you have a story to share about the community?
If you have a story to share about a member or family within the community, please send it to us. We'd love to share with everyone.